Marie and Sid Davis next to a Stage V calcrete in the Grand Canyon (river mile 207 below Lees Ferry.) The basalt flow beneath it was dated (Ar-Ar) at 525ka.
Sidney W. Davis
DAVIS² Consulting Earth Scientists
P.O. Box 734
Georgetown, CA 95634
Phone (530) 333-1405
Fax (530) 333-1009
E-mail: [email protected]
Certifications: Certified Professional Soil Scientist/Soil Classifier (ARCPACS), Certified Erosion & Sediment Control Specialist (ARCPACS/SWCS).
Specialties: Wetlands regulatory, On-site Waste Management, Soil Mapping and Classification, Soil Stratigraphy, Erosion and Sediment Control, Lake Tahoe Basin Land Capability and IPES Appeals, Expert Witness.