Link to 2016 PSSAC Annual Meeting Flyer
Link to 2016 Annual Meeting Field Guide Book (PDF)

2016 PSSAC Field Tour Group Photo. Photo by David McEuen, courtesy of Irfan Ainuddin
Theme: Hydrology, Geomorphology, Soils, Stratigraphy, and Archaeology in the Southern San Joaquin Valley: Focusing on Buena Vista and Tulare Lake Basins
Dates: Thursday—Saturday; April 7-9, 2016
Thursday evening included a business meeting and registration check-in. Friday’s program was held at the Harris Ranch, and included presentations from our expert speakers. Saturday’s field tour destinations included Tulare Lake, Sand Ridge, and nearby locations.
- Kerry Arroues PSSAC Central Area Director, and retired NRCS Soil Scientist and author/co-author of many of the soil surveys in the southern San Joaquin Valley
- John T. Austin Retired NPS and author of Floods and Droughts in the Tulare Lake Basin
- Junhua “Adam” Guo Assistant Professor of Geology, CSU Bakersfield, specializing in clay mineralogy and sedimentology
- Rob Hansen Consultant and Professor, Ecology, Zoology, and General Biological Sciences at College of the Sequoias in Visalia, Calif.
- Jack Meyer Principal Geoarchaeologist, Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc.
- Robert Negrini Professor of Geophysics at CSU Bakersfield, and author of numerous papers directly related to areas in the southern part of the San Joaquin Valley, and more specifically, Tulare Lake
- Robin M. Roberts Educator and Historian, author of three books related to Kings County &Hanford history and “History and Development” sections for three soil surveys in the San Joaquin Valley
- Roy Shlemon PSSAC Southern Area Director and Geological Consultant specializing in Quaternary geology, geomorphology, geoarchaeology, and soil stratigraphy
- Phil Smith MLRA Soil Survey Leader-San Joaquin Valley and California Delta
Contact for Organizational &
Technical Content:
Kerry Arroues
Phone: 559-836-1587
Email: [email protected]
Field Tour Coordinator:
Phil Smith
Phone: 229-560-9191
Email: [email protected]
Registration Contact:
Mary Reed, PSSAC Exec. Secretary
Phone: 707-447-2135
Email: [email protected]